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Plant Person Profile

Plant Person Profile: Dr. Naika Apeakorang

Plant Person Profile: Dr. Naika Apeakorang-Plant People

Meet Dr. Naika Apeakorang, a Brooklyn-based Naturopath, Acupuncturist, Herbalist and Plant Person we love.

Tell us a little about yourself:

Hello! My name is Naika. I’m a healer, plant-lover, student of life, and a native New Yorker. I run a beautiful mindfulness centered practice in Brooklyn, where I help people heal from the inside out.

What are you reading right now?

I’m reading Sacred Woman by Queen Afua, Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi, and Farming While Black by Leah Penniman. I like to read multiple books at the same time for a variety of information and vibes, so this current mix is one of spiritual development, historical fiction, activism, and education.

What's your relationship to the world of "wellness"/plant medicine?

The two feel separate to me. My relationship to plant medicine is deeply meaningful and multi-generational, as I come from a long line of healers from both my Haitian and Ghanaian lineages. Plants feel like home to me and I feel blessed to be able to engage directly with them all day every day, for healing, inspiration, and beauty. My personal wellness is the greatest asset I have and it’s a culmination of practices that keep me grounded mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Wellness as a modern day industry is a little different, but certainly includes and intersects with my healing work.

What do you love about it?

I love that wellness is a thing right now! I love that we’re exploring ways to be our best selves both individually and collectively. I’ve never seen so many people actively engaged in their holistic health and wellbeing as I do now, and it’s inspiring. There are amazing people, brands, and institutions doing amazing work by making wellness a dominant topic of conversation.

What needs to be changed?

My observation is that there are only certain communities talking about wellness, while certain communities are often excluded or not represented in those conversations. Wellness has become a sort of niche category and something that you can access only if you look a certain way or have the money to afford it. Everyone deserves wellness and everyone deserves to be represented in the wellness industry.

What's one thing everyone can do today to create a more equitable "wellness" world?

Create an even playing field, where everyone is included and represented in wellness conversations, marketing, and accessibility. It’s also important to remind ourselves that wellness is not something that can be bought; It’s a state of being attained and maintained by making lifestyle choices that keep you aligned on your path of healing.

How did you discover Plant People?

Plant People discovered me a little over a year ago! After trying Plant People’s amazing products, I’ve been a proud supporter ever since..

Who are three people we should follow right now?

Aurora James, a brilliant fashion designer and social activist doing great work around inclusivity, diversity, and socio-political engagement.

Londrelle, a multi-talented and multi-faceted artist, who brings mindfulness, sweetness and healing through words and music.

We The Urban, an incredible digital platform celebrating self-love, with the most timely and needed reminders for the heart and soul throughout your day.

What's the future of "wellness"?

The future of wellness is one that is accessible, diverse, and inclusive. It’s wellness not just on the levels of mind, body, and spirit, but also on the levels of social systems, institutions, and policies, that create an equitable world conducive to wellness for everyone.

What's your #1 must-do tip to feel whole, nourished, grounded?

Focus on getting to know yourself. This includes examining your thoughts, healing your wounds, identifying your heart’s desires, changing unhealthy patterns and celebrating yourself every step of the way. It all starts there, with you. There’s no magic pill, but there’s a magic process that will lead you back to you.

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