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Plant Person Profile

Plant Person Profile: Clémentine Desseaux

Plant Person Profile: Clémentine Desseaux

Meet Clémentine Desseaux - a model, entrepreneur, Tedx speaker, CEO of @allwomxnproject and of course, a Plant Person we love.

Tell us a little about yourself. 

My name is Clémentine Desseaux. I am an activist, model and entrepreneur, I am a cancer, a summer baby and a kid at heart, I love cooking and eating and discovering new places to travel to… I am still trying to define exactly who I am but I am working on it and that should suffice for now :) 

What makes you, you?

My loving heart, my raw personality, my unapologetic figure and mostly my story make me me.

What is your #1 goal in life?

To be happy. 

What has been the biggest hurdle you have ever had to face?

I feel like my feelings and how to handle them are often my biggest hurdle. But growing older and wiser helps me manage it better. 

If you were to go back in time and help your younger self, what would you do? Why?

I would tell her she can have everything and more, achieve her dreams and kill it at life without changing herself once bit. I’ll tell her that she’s enough just the way she is. 

What's the best advice you’ve ever received?

To love myself first. 

via @bonjourclem

What does ‘taking care of you’ look like?

It starts with mindset, but often takes the shape of making good organic food, applying natural skincare, going to pilates or to the gym, rubbing my belly to sleep… 

What do you do to improve your mentality and help reduce stress?

I am making space. Space in the people around me, the opinions I listen to, the advice I ask and mostly lowering the negative inner voices that come attack  me sometimes… 

Talk about the importance of food in relation to your health.

Food was always an issue for me growing up, but also my best friend, lover and my whole life.  Today I am working to see it for what it is. Not a filler, not a boredom remedy, not an emotional coping mechanisme, just something that I love, respect and like to make and eat! Food is sharing for me, which I love. 

Give us your #1  tip on personal health.

Going to the gym everyday won’t do nothing for you if you don’t eat right, protect your skin and take care of your heart and mind. Just like diets won’t change your life. Find what’s good for YOU. 

What does being Plant Person mean to you?

That means living in harmony with nature. Not being perfectly vegan, vegetarian or any kind of perfect. Just trying your best to be your best most respectful self to nature. 

What inspired you to become an environmentally conscious, plant-loving person?

Travels. I started travelling early on and being conscious of the wonders everywhere made me want to protect our earth from the jump. 

What do you see as the greatest challenge in your day-to-day life in living a proactive, environmentally friendly life?

Our now culture is the hardest for me. It’s so easy to become lazy and cut time in the kitchen by ordering take out, delivery, buying packaged and processed goods… consuming is too easy. 

What is the easiest sustainable tip people can integrate into their lives for quick impact? 

Knowing what in the product you buy, or even better making it when possible. Just taking time to be conscious and aware of what we put in and on our body is awesome. Slowing down. 

What’s your favorite plant or your plant “spirit animal” and why?

Mmm… not sure if I am cactus or a coconut tree. 

via @bonjourclem

What is your experience with cannabis?

I never really was a smoker. It makes me sleepy and lazy. I have done it some. I am more into discovering the effects without the side effects so that's why I am happy experimenting with CBD! 

How has CBD influenced your daily life?

I am still exploring the effects of it and trying to see and understand the effects on my body and mind. So far it’s been soothing and relaxing, just what I like, without the sleepiness and laziness that goes with smoking weed.

What is your go-to Plant People product?

I love all the botanical skin care line

What advice would you give anyone that has not tried CBD yet, but interested in experiencing the benefits for themselves?

I would say don’t be afraid of it. It’s chill. 

What are you looking to try next?

I don’t know whatever Plant People comes up with next :) 

Follow Clém on Instagram at @bonjourclem

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